How can I reach Valuates Reports?
You can reach us through phone or email.
Our US phone # is +1 (315) 215-3225
Our India phone # is +91 8040957137
Your can also reach us over email sales@valuates.com
Where are you located?
We are located in Bengaluru, India.
4th Floor, Balaraj's Arcade,
Whitefield Main road,
Opposite Brigade Cosmopolis,
Whitefield, Bengaluru,
Karnataka 560066
What products Valuates Reports offer?
We sell premium Market Research reports from renowned publishers over the the globe.
How to inquire If i have query on a specific product?
On each product page we have a button called “Inquire on product”. This opens a form, please fill up the form with all your queries and we will respond within 1 business day.
Do you have samples for the products listed on Valuates Reports site?
If there is a sample report we will have a tab called “Sample”, you can download the report from the link. To access sample reports, please register and create an account with Valuates reports and then revisit the product page.
Why do i need to register?
Once you register we create an account and keep track of all your purchases .
How do i change my contact details?
You need to login to your account and then click on “Update Account” to update your details.
What are the different ways of authentication to login to my account?
We support three ways of authentication below are the details
Email - A verification email will be sent to your email id with a link. Click on the link to login to your account.
Phone - This is a supplementary authentication mechanism which needs to be liked to the primary authentication created during registration (ie. Email or Google) . It helps to login quickly compared to other two login methods.
What are different license formats?
Below are the list of various license formats we support.
  • Single User License - This license allows only one user (Buyer) to consume the information in the ordered product. This license do not allow the user to share this product with anyone else.
  • 10 User License - This license allows the ordered product to be shared among maximum 10 users.
  • 15 User License - This license allows the ordered product to be shared among maximum 15 users.
  • Corporate License - This license allows the ordered product to be shared among all the employees of the Corporation.
How do i place an order?
In the product detail page select the license format and click on “Add to Cart” , the product item will be added to the cart. The cart icon is displayed at the top right corner of the page. When you click on the icon a small popup will appear in the right corner of the pages listing all the items in the Cart. At this stage you can click on the Checkout button and complete the Checkout flow to place the order or you can continue searching for other products that serves your need. You can keep on adding products to the shopping cart and finally checkout.
  • What is checkout flow?
    Checkout flow is a list of 5 pages to place order . Below are the list of 5 pages.
    1. Checkout list:- As soon as you click on the Checkout button you will be redirected to Login and Register page. Please fill up the Registration form and click on submit. If you have already registered then you will be redirected to Checkout page listing all the items in the Cart for final verification before purchase. Click on Next to move to the next page.
    2. User details:- This page will be pre populated with your user details captured in Registration page. Please update the details if there is any changes and click on Next button.
    3. Invoice Address: - Please fill up the invoice address so that bill captures the right invoice address. Taxation will be applicable only if the country is India. Please click on Next button.
    4. Payment Page: - There will be two options of payment , Stripe (Master and Visa Card) or CCAvenue (Master , Visa and American Express) please select the appropriate option to make the payment.
    5. Confirmation Page: - This page will show confirmation or failure of the payment. This page can be revisited from you Account Dashboard.
Is it secure to buy the products online through Valuates Reports?
In Valuates Reports, security is the most important pillar for any ecommerce website. Hence for all transactions you need to register in Valuates and during the registration process we validate you identity either through phone or email.
Both the payment gateways we have integrated are PCI compliant systems.
All the transactions happen over HTTPS (TLS 1.2) hence encrypting the entire channel.
What are the payments methods?
We offer the following payment methods.
  1. Stripe: - is a California based payment gateway. Stripe is the first option in the payment page. More details in the link here https://stripe.com/
  2. CCAvenue - is PCI DSS 3.2 compliant Indain payments platform . CCAvenue is the second option in the payment page: More details in the link here https://www.ccavenue.com/
When will i receive my order after the payment?
As customers are located in various time zones, the time to delivery will vary across various regions, but we will always attempt to delivery within 1 business day.
What should i do if i have not received my electronic product yet?
To successfully receive your product please ensure that your Mailbox is configured to receive PDF and Word documents. Also please reach out to your administrator to check if the SPAM filter has not sieved the electronic product. Please reach out to our support team through Email or Phone mentioned above
Is there any discount on Valuates products?
In each product page there is a button called “Inquire for discounts”. Please click on the button and fill your details(If you are logged in most of details will autofill). One of the customer support team will reach out to you if there is a possibility of discount.
What currencies do you support?
We currently support only USD currency.
Is the product taxed?
All the orders that are placed outside India will not be taxed. For order that are placed in India , 11.8% GST is applicable for individual report.
When will i get the report after i pay online?
Once you purchase a report, the report will be emailed to you within 24 hours (expect reports purchased on Sunday will be emailed to you within 48 hours).
Why do i need to pay before receiving the product for a given order?
As the product is digital in nature we can dispatch it only after we receive full payment for the product.
What is Valuates Reports refund or return policy?
As the product is information based and digital in nature. It can be easily consumed as they are purchased and cannot be returned easily, so we do not refund or we accept returns. Please try to read all the detail in the product information page and if you have queries please send a mail to us with all your queries. We will be happy to clarify all your doubts before the purchase.
What is Valuates Reports cancellation policy?
Usually Valuates Reports do not accept cancellation once the order is placed and payment is done. When you placing your order in Valuates Reports please read our terms and conditions which is available in the following link.