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Global Agricultural Drone Market Development and Top Three Brands' Product Strategy (pre-order)
Published Date: June 2019
Report Code: MICR-Cons-4A11
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Global Agricultural Drone Market Development and Top Three Brands Product Strategy

Global Agricultural Drone Market Development and Top Three Brands' Product Strategy (pre-order)

Code: MICR-Cons-4A11
June 2019
Market Intelligence and Consulting Institute
Table of Content
Tables & Figures

The global agricultural drone is regarded as the main driving force for the growth of the commercial drone market in the future. It is estimated that the market value will reach US$1.49 billion by 2023, and the CAGR (Compound Annual Growth Rate) is 18.5%.

Observing the development of the global agricultural drone in recent years, it has found that agricultural drones are moving downstream to integrate with software analysis and platform service providers. That is, agricultural drones are no longer limited to hardware.

Instead, they are bundled with analysis software to upgrade to agricultural solutions. And agricultural drones’ sales model can be divided into two categories: buffet and package. This report analyzes the development of the global agricultural drone market and brands’ layout of agricultural drones in the past three years.

Table of Contents
1. Origin
2. Global Agricultural Drone Market Development
2.1 Global Agricultural Drone Market is Growing
2.2 The Rapid Growth of the Agricultural Drone Market Comes from Price Decline and Labor Shorta
2.2.1 External Market Factors: Price Decline and Technology Update
2.2.2 National Domestic Demand Factors: Labor Aging and Lacking
3. Global Agricultural Drone Brand’s Product Strategies
3.1 Agricultural Complete Set Drone Manufacturers Integrating with Downstream Partners
3.2 Sales of Agricultural Drones Using Product Differentiation Strategy
3.2.1 Buffet Package: China's DJI to Purchase Equipment to Make Agricultural Drones More Complete
3.2.2 All-in-one Package: American AeroVironment Agricultural Drone is an Agricultural Solution
3.2.3 Value-added Package: Parrot Agricultural Drone with Multiple Analysis Software
4.MIC Perspective
Glossary of Terms
List of Companies
List of Tables
Table 1: Introduction of Five Agricultural Drones Launched by DJI
Table 2 Description of AeroVironment’s AgriculturalDrone Quantix
Table 3: Description of Parrot’s Two Agricultural Drones
List of Figures
Figure 1: Military and Civilian UAV Classification by Usage
Figure 2: Global Civilian Drone Market Value, 2015 - 2023
Figure 3: Global Agricultural Drone Market Value, 2015 - 2023
Figure 4: Timeline of Agricultural Drone’s Function and Pricing
Figure 5: Adoption Rate and Factors, and Farm Characteristics Of Agricultural Drones In Various Countries
Figure 6: Global Agricultural Drone Industry Supply Chains
Figure 7: DJI Agricultural Drone Sales Model: Buffet Style
Figure 8: AeroVironment Agricultural Drone Sales Model: All-in-one Package
Figure 9: Parrot Agricultural Drone Sales Model: Value-added Package
Figure 10: The Pricing Strategy and Product Positioning of Agricultural Drones Launched by DJI, AeroVironment, and Parrot
Figure 11: Sales Target, Sales Model, and Function of Agricultural Drones Launched by DJI, AeroVironment, and Parrot

List of Topics

Global agricultural drone market development and includes the market value forecasts of civilian and agricultural drones for the period 2019-2023
Analysis of external and internal factors affecting the development of drones
Analysis of product strategies of top-three global agriculture drone brands: DJI, AeroVironment, and Parrot
Analysis of three sales packages of agricultural drones

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